Backlinks to Oskar in Oskar Web (Search all webs)

Results from Oskar web retrieved at 23:05 (GMT)

Contact Details Add your contact details here! * Stef Salvini ( e Research Centre7 Keble RoadOxford OX1 3QGtel. 01865 (6)10609...
Design Documents This page outlines the documents for the initial design phase of the simulator Overall Simulator Concept Design * Overall Design Diagram The ...
Obtaining and Setting up Eclipse This page describes some basic details needed to obtain and setup eclipse for working with the OSKAR station simulator. Obtainin...
Interesting Links Noise simulation * Harmonic Multipoles and the CMB SkyUsing spherical harmonics to investigate the cosmic microwave background. Could be use...
Miscellaneous development notes index This page hosts links to useful notes pages on the wiki for OSKAR simulator development. * Setting up Eclipse * Notes...
* a logo: * another logo: * !: * test
Calendar For help with adding calander events see bin/twiki/view/AstroWikiSupport/CalendarPlugin
Oskar Web Utilities * * WebTopicList all topics in alphabetical order * WebChanges recent topic changes in this web * WebNotify subsc...
Presentations This page contains various presentations given for the OSKAR project. * OSKAR_Documents.pptx: Slides for the design documents (16May08) * Oxf...
Simulator Operations Spreadsheet Files * parallelOps4.xlsx * simulatorParallelism.docx (inital draft) Description This spreadsheet attempts to look into...
Useful notes for developing under Ubuntu 8.04 Opening MS office 2007 format under openoffice ms word 2007...
Oskar Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the Oskar web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and , and c...
Statistics for Oskar Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: ...
Number of topics: 14
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