Simulator Operations Spreadsheet



This spreadsheet attempts to look into the scaling for the entire simulator with respect to data rates and operations for the main modules; sky, antennas, weights and beamforming.

  • User specifies station paramters (number of beams, number of antennas etc)
  • User specifies cpu operations for various basic components (add, multiply, sine etc)
  • User specifies data types (position data type, complex amp type etc.) The spreadsheet then provides operation counts, number of cores and data rate estimates for each module and the simulator as a whole.


parallelOps4.xlsx (version 4): This version has the operations for the weight generation - note that the operations required for the weights are extremely small when only one patch/tile beam is used! (Total output bandwidth goes to just 50 MB / second in this case.) Please check I haven't made a silly mistake and forgotten something obvious.


  1. (comments go here)
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
parallelOps4.xlsxxlsx parallelOps4.xlsx manage 31 K 29 May 2008 - 17:37 FredDulwich Added summary showing the effect of no phase variation at the antenna level.
simulatorParallelism.docxdocx simulatorParallelism.docx manage 35 K 23 May 2008 - 15:27 BenjaminMort initial draft
Topic revision: r9 - 05 Jun 2008, BenjaminMort
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