Post Doc Reps

In the first week of every new term, the (tenured/tenure-track/permanent) staff meet to make sure everything is running smoothly. But they also need to get feedback from the students and the postdocs to know if there are any problems. As such, two postdoc reps usually volunteer to represent the postdoc's views and issues to the staff.

Currently, the PD reps are:
  • Ryan Houghton
  • Aprajita Verma
Please contract these people (email is the best bet) if you have any issues you'd like raising at the staff meetings.

Minutes of Previous Meetings

In order to feed information back to you, the postdocs, we have arranged to have the minutes of previous staff meetings made public. So here they are: access is granted via the sharepoint system, for which you will need your physics username and password.


Any other business.... well, while I'm at it, you might want to know that the Faculty minutes are also available via the sharepoint system. Just click on the "Shared Documents" link on the left.

-- RyanHoughton - 10 Feb 2010
Topic revision: r3 - 21 May 2010, RyanHoughton
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