Welcome to the Oxford Astrophysics OutReach Wiki

World-visible url: http://astrowiki.physics.ox.ac.uk/OutReach

What are you looking for?

People to Contact About Astrophysics Outreach?

First contact should be to send email to outreach@astro.ox.ac.uk - this will find its way to the right person to help.

A few particular key people are:
An Overview of All of the Group's Outreach Activities?
The Calendar of Upcoming Outreach Events?
The Agendas and Minutes of our Coordination Meetings?

The Philip Wetton Telescope Wiki?

Help giving a talk?
  • to the public?
  • to a group of primary schoolchildren?
  • to a group of secondary schoolchildren?
Someone else to give a talk for you?
A chance to shadow someone more experienced when they do some outreach?

Some proposals for funding to help write?
Some examples of outreach impact text for research proposals?

Outreach resources put together by Oxford Astrophysics?

Outreach equipment to borrow?

OutReach Web Utilities
Topic revision: r18 - 24 Oct 2011, PhilMarshall
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