Welcome to the EaHS12 web
This is the wiki for the
STFC Graduate School "Exoplanets and their host stars", Oxford, 12-16 March 2012.
- Monday
- Salaris: Theoretical challenges in stellar evolution PPT
- Kurtz: Observational challenges in stellar evolution
- Pont: Exoplanet observations: recent highlights and open questions
- Irwin: Remote sensing of planetary atmospheres
- Baraffe: Exoplanet interiors and evolution
Student projects
The programme includes hands-on projects, which are designed to introduce the participants to specific data analysis and modeling techniques. Students will undertake these projects in small groups (using their own laptops), with the guidance of one or two project supervisors. Each group will give a short (10 min) presentation about their project the final day of the course.
The number of students on a given project is limited, so all participants are asked to email Vanessa Ferraro Wood (wfv at astro dot ox dot ac dot uk) by 5 March 2012, with a list of their 3 preferred projects, in order of decreasing preference. We will do our best to match everyone's preferences, and participants will be informed on 7 March of which project you have been allocated. If we do not hear from you by 5 March, we will assign you a project according to the available spaces.
Here is a preliminary list of projects. Click on each link in the list to access a more detailed description of each project.
To save time during the School, we ask that participants install download and install the software and data required by the project they have been allocated before the start of the School (please see the project description page for specific requirements). For projects which use Python, there is a
Python setup page.
AmyMcQuillan - 22 Feb 2012
EaHS12 Web Utilities
AmyMcQuillan - 22 Feb 2012