Frequency analysis of heat engine pulsators and solar like oscillators We will run this project with two groups in parallel, one supervised by Don Kurtz and one b...
Asteroseismology of red giants Andrea Miglio * Project Description: The detection of gravity mode period spacing in red giants represents one of the groundbrea...
Asteroseismology of Sun like Stars Hans Kjeldsen * Project Description: * Recommended Reading: * Software: example link to website or Python setup page ...
Modelling Planetary Atmospheres with NEMESIS Patrick Irwin, Joanna Barstow * Project Description: In this project, the student will use the radiative transfer ...
Modelling Time Series with Gaussian Processes Stephen Roberts, Neale Gibson * Project Description: This project aims to give participants experience in modelli...
Modelling Transits from Ground and Space Instruments Don Pollacco, Frederic Pont, Suzanne Aigrain Project Description: In this project you will be given transit ...
Python Setup Page General laptop readiness We do not need participants to have high quality computers. What we need is for participants to come with appropriate ...
Stellar Population Synthesis Maurizio Salaris * Project Description:This main goal of this project is to introduce the students to Colour Magnitude Diagrams of...
This is the wiki for the STFC Graduate School "Exoplanets and their host stars", Oxford, 12 16 March 2012. * Monday * Salaris: Theoretical challenges in st...
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