50 recent changes in OutReach Web retrieved at 04:55 (GMT)

World visible url: http://astrowiki.physics.ox.ac.uk/OutReach People to Contact About Astrophysics Outreach? First contact should be to send email to outreach...
Resources for Outreach Activities Looking for an activity to run? Here's what we've done so far: Activity Contact Date first run Astronomy Card Games ...
Main.PhilMarshall 09 Oct 2011 Home Observing Introducing people to the night sky, and what they can see: by eye, with binoculars, with inexpensive telescopes, an...
Main.PhilMarshall 09 Oct 2011 Astronomy Card Games Like Top Trumps, but with astronomical objects!
Main.JoDunkley, Main.PhilMarshall 08 Oct 2011 The Life Cycle of Stars For a group of 10 30 people: uses balloons as models of 4 different types of stars, that ...
Outreach Coordination Meeting Thursday 16th June, 2011 Attending: PM, PR, PB, FC, JB, SW, RS, SL, AB, CaB, RH, JD, SO, EB Agenda * Telescope Evenings 2011/12 ...
Agendas and Minutes of Astrophysics Outreach Coordination Meetings Follow the links from here! 2011: * Thursday April 7th * Thursday June 16th Main.PhilM...
Outreach Coordination Meeting Thursday 7th April, 2011 Attending: PM, AM, FC, MJ, AT, IL, RH, CaB Agenda * Who we are, what our goals are * Surveying the s...
Main.PhilMarshall 16 Jun 2011
Oxford Astrophysics' Outreach Activities Started from Pat Roche's slides from the March 2011 outreach discussion forum See also the March 2011 Outreach Status R...
Here's the website describing the Large and Small Awards schemes The links below are ro read only views of the proposals in google docs, so everyone can watch th...
Outreach Boilerplate Writing a grant proposal and need some text for your impact section? Here are some example paragraphs about Oxford astro outreach to help yo...
Here's the website describing the Large and Small Awards schemes Astronomy Engagement in Oxfordshire and Wiltshire for IYA and beyond * PI: Roger Davies ...
Who are you asking for money from? STFC Here's the website describing the Large and Small Awards schemes Two rounds per year, A (deadline April), B (deadline in ...
OutReach Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the OutReach web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and ,...
Cool Astronomy Links Post them here! Observing Look Up Good first look at an astronomical object Virtual Sky customizable browser based planetarium (embeddab...
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Foswiki's OutReach web
Statistics for OutReach Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads:...
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" else="Foswiki's OutReach web"}% /OutReach
Number of topics: 27

See also: rss-small RSS feed, recent changes with 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 topics, all changes
Topic revision: r4 - 15 Nov 2006, TWikiContributor
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