Final Annoucement

Please confirm days of attendance and other details at (apologies if we have overlooked any information you have already sent).

The web site contains links to bus timetables, maps and other practical information. Oxford.pdf is attatched here (blue line is driving route; walking time refers to coach station to Linton Lodge).

The meeting is at the e-Science Building, Oxford e-Research Centre 7 Keble Road OX1 3QG tel +44(0)1865 610600

In case of problems on Sunday evening: Anita's mobile +44(0)7766 065049, Linton Lodge +44(0)1865 553461 (if calling from a landline in Oxford only dial 553461).


We would like to make all presentations available via the wiki, before the talk since the video links will . PDF is preferred; if you want to send Powerpoint or Open Office formats please include pdf as well. Please send presentations as described below (don't send very large attatchements to the workshop email!):

  • Upload the presentation to the wiki (see left toolbar link to Register for a pwd) size limit 10 000 kB ;
  • Email to - I will keep a copy and convert to pdf for the wiki if necessary (individual large files acceptable but my inbox may overflow if everyone sends at once);
  • Email presentations of up to 20 MB to
  • Place them on your homepage or public ftp area and email with the details and I will transfer them to the wiki, as pdf if necessary.


Many thanks to those who participated in the successful test on 25 Nov; the people involved and the sites are indicated on the wiki.


Lunches, tea and coffee will be provided, including vegetarian food. If you have other dietary restrictions please let us know asap. The conference dinner, courtesy of RadioNet, will be at Al Shami Lebanese restaurant (see conference web page) on Tuesday 2 December. We will take a head count for the dinner on Monday; if you want to come to the dinner but are only arriving on Tuesday please let us know if you want to come.

-- AnitaRichards - 25 Nov 2008
Topic revision: r1 - 25 Nov 2008, AnitaRichards
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