Day/Time |
Topic (including link to notes) |
Presenter |
Presentation |
Mon 7 Sept |
0900 |
Registration |
0930 |
Welcome and organisation |
0945 |
TheScientificPotentialOfRadioAstronomy |
Willem Baan |
CERISsep2009V2.pdf |
1030 |
Coffee |
1100 |
PracticalRadioInterferometry |
Robert Laing |
Laing_interf.pdf |
1145 |
CalibrationBasics |
Neal Jackson |
Jackson_eris_oxford.pdf |
1230 |
Lunch |
1400 |
ImagingBasics |
Tom Muxlow |
MuxlowImaging.pdf |
1445 |
CommonDataFormatsAndPackages |
Anita Richards |
DataPackagesFormats.pdf |
1530 |
Tea |
1600 |
SoftwareInstallationAndChecking |
Ian Heywood with Dickson, Bourke, Petry, Purcell |
1645 |
CalibrationTutorial |
Neal Jackson with Muxlow, Purcell, Venturi |
Tue 8 Sept |
0900 |
SpectralLineTechniques |
Rob Beswick |
specline-ERIS2009-rbeswick.pdf |
0945 |
Simon Garrington |
1030 |
Coffee |
1100 |
ImagingTutorial |
Tom Muxlow with Fenech, Laing, Purcell |
1145 |
ImageAnalysis |
Robert Laing |
Laing_image.pdf |
1230 |
Lunch |
1400 |
ImageMeasurementsAndAnalysis |
Tiziana Venturi with Purcell, Kramer, Baan |
ImageAnalysisTutorial.pdf |
1445 |
SpectralLineTutorial |
Rob Beswick with Richards, Kramer, Etoka |
1530 |
Tea |
1600 |
VLBIConsiderations |
Tiziana Venturi |
Venturi-VLBI_ERIS09.pdf |
1645 |
VLBITutorial |
Stephen Bourke with Baan, Beswick, Venturi |
Wed 9 Sept |
0900 |
IRAM and high-frequency interferometry |
Bojan Nikolic |
NikolicERIS2009.pdf |
0945 |
Robert Laing |
Laing_ALMAscience.pdf |
1030 |
Coffee |
1100 |
Willem Baan |
LOFAR_ERIS-review-0909V2.pdf |
1145 |
Continue previous work |
Bourke, Baan |
Wide-band,WideFieldImaging |
Danielle Fenech with Muxlow, Laing |
1230 |
Lunch |
Free Afternoon |
1930 |
Conference Dinner |
Al Shami Lebanese Restaurant |
Thu 10 Sept |
0900 |
Polarization |
Rick Perley |
ERIS-Polarization.pdf |
0945 |
PolarizationTutorial |
Rick Perley with Laing, Kramer, Richards |
1030 |
Coffee |
1100 |
DataReductionInCASA |
Martin Zwaan with Petry, Richards, Etoka |
casa-intro-oxford-sept09-dpetry.pdf CASATutorialZwaan_ERIS.key.pdf |
1145 |
Continue previous work |
Petry, Heywood |
MosaicingInCASA |
Martin Zwaan with Laing, Etoka |
MosaicingZwaan_ERIS.pdf |
1230 |
Lunch |
1400 |
TransientOrVariableSources |
Stewart Eyres |
Eyres_ERIS.pdf |
1445 |
Continue previous work |
Kramer, Etoka |
ObservingVariableSources |
Tony Rushton with Eyres and Beswick |
VLBISpectralLine |
Stephen Bourke with Beswick and Baan |
1530 |
Tea |
1600 |
IntroductionToPipelines |
Heywood/Kloeckner/Petry/Richards |
ERIS_HRK_PT_AP.pdf ERIS09_AMSR_Pipelines.pdf |
1645 |
Continue previous work |
Rushton, Beswick |
WritingAParseltonguePipeline |
Hans-Rainer Kloeckner with Bourke |
MEqtrees |
Ian Heywood |
heywood_meqtrees_ERIS.pdf |
CASA scripting |
Dirk Petry with Zwaan |
Fri 11 Sept |
0900 |
LifeCycleOfData |
Hans-Rainer Kloeckner |
ERIS_HRK.pdf |
0945 |
Rick Perley |
1030 |
Coffee |
1100 |
Continue previous work |
Kramer, Rushton |
CombiningDataFromDifferentArraysOrConfigurations |
Anita Richards with Beswick and Perley |
ERIS_CombiningArrays.pdf |
1145 |
DesigningAnExperiment |
Robert Laing with Heywood, Kloeckner, Etoka, Perley |
Laing_proposal.pdf |
1230 |
Lunch |
1400 |
Report from each design group and general feedback |
Ian Heywood |
1445 |
Future of Radio Astronomy |
Steve Rawlings |
1530 |
Concluding remarks and announcements |