%TREEVIEW{}% displays topic children in a hierarchical tree
%TREE{}% synonym of %TREEVIEW{}%


  • The following standard attributes are recognized
Parameter Description Default
web The web to search. current web
topic Specify tree's root topic. If none the entire web topics' tree is generated none
formatting Specify the formatting method
ullist is a <ul>-list, see sample UL lists
ollist is a <ol>-list, see sample OL lists
outline is an outline list, see sample Outlines
hlist is a <h n >-list of section heads, see sample Headlines
coloroutline:colorlist is an outline formatting with level values turned into colors, see sample Nested tables. Example: formatting="coloroutline:#ffeeff,#eeffee,#ffffee,#eeeeff,#ffeeee,#eeffff"
imageoutline:mode is a way to incorporate images into the outline format, specifically to display thread-like and folder views, see sample Image Trees. The general format is: imageoutline: mode : images : imageformat. Example: formatting="imageoutline:thread" or formatting="imageoutline:thread:I.gif,white.gif,T.gif,L.gif:<img src=\"$image\" border=\"0\">".
excludetopic Same meaning as VarSEARCH excludetopic. Topics with excluded parent or processed like topic without parent. none
includetopic Same meaning as VarSEARCH topic. Can improve processing time. none
startlevel The depth of the tree to start showing nodes from. To hide the root node, supply startlevel="1" (root is level 0). The displayed node depths are relative to the root topic. 0 or 1 if topic is not specified
stoplevel The depth of the tree to show, relative to start level. 999
header Output the value within a <div> of class treePluginHeader. Suppressed if the tree is empty. none
footer Output the value within a <div> of class treePluginFooter. Suppressed if the tree is empty. none
zero Output the value within a <div> of class treePluginZero if the tree is empty. none
bookview List topics in BookView form. Not supported from v0.9. Instead use something like:
%TREE{topic="GrandParent" formatting="outline" format="$outnum $topic <br /> $summary <hr />"}%
format Specify the format for each node ( outline & coloroutline). The following pseudo-variable are supported on top of the ones described in FormattedSearch:
$spacetopic - the topic with spaces
$level - the tree depth of the topic (in whatever format)
$count - the topic's child position
$index - the index of the topic in the tree. Starts from one. Most useful when used in combination with TreeBrowserPlugin
$outnum - outline number for the topic (eg,
$url - the current topic's URL Not supported. Use %SCRIPTURL{view}%/$web/$topic instead.
$author - the topic's last author Not supported from v0.9. Use %AUTHOR% instead.
$modTime - the topic's modification time. Not supported from v0.9. Use $date instead.
formatbranch - specify the format for a group of children ( outline & coloroutline)
$parent - the text of a node
$children - the text of all the node's children (if any)
levelprefix Specify a prefix to a node format. The prefix is inserted $level times at the beginning of the rendered node format. It allows generation of trees using Foswiki bullet list syntax thus enabling usage of TreePlugin in combination with TreeBrowserPlugin. none
nodiv Suppress the <div> around the tree. Set to 2 to suppress div around header, footer and zero. Allows for trees concatenation. none
separator Character string used to separate items in the tree \n
nocache Set to 1 to disable caching mechanism for that specific tree. Really a developer setting. 0


See the following page for sample usage and output:
Topic revision: r1 - 18 Jun 2015, ProjectContributor
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