Common data formats and packages Anita Richards, * Don't lose sight of the sky * The physical relationships between interferometry data and astrophysic...
CASA Zwaan with Petry, Richards, Etoka See CASA examples The first examples will...
Designing an experiment Laing with Heywood, Kloeckner, Etoka, Perley * Writing a good science case * Clear objectives (test some idea; identify an obje...
ERIS 2009 Agenda All lectures (in normal type) are in the Martin Wood Lecture Theatre, as are Registration and the main tutorials, but parallel sessions will be ...
Main.AnitaRichards 26 Aug 2009 ERIS Final Announcement SOFTWARE AND DATA You will need a laptop running a fairly recent version of Linux or MAC O/S, see web page...
Image Analysis Robert Laing * Recognising errors in the image plane * Expectations: how to decide whether an image is as good as it needs to be/can be. ...
Imaging Muxlow with Fenech, Laing, Purcell see First Calibration and Imaging Tut...
LOFAR Willem Baan * Low frequency interferometry largely uncharted territory * Frequency range 30 80 MHz and 130 210 MHz * Hierarchical core extende...
Click here for the Meq Wiki. The easiest way to install MeqTrees is to use the binary version for Ubuntu 8.04. If you are running this OS then it's an entirely tr...
Variable sources Rushton with Eyres and Beswick Aim The purpose of this tutorial is to investigate the effects of source variability on the image plane and prod...
The Polarization Lecture: Perley * Showing why polarization observations are important * Defining polarization ellipse, etc. * Defining Stokes paramete...
Spectral Line Radio Interferometry Rob Beswick Throughout, this lecture will primarily concentrate on Centimetric radio interferometry examples. * Why do spect...
Spectral Line Beswick with Richards, Kramer, Etoka The demo concentrates upon the anylsis of HI line data, including continuum subtraction, deconvolution, RFI id...
Radio Astronomy Willem Baan * What type of research at what frequency range? * Single dish studies * Interferometry * Special strengths of Radio Astro...
Transient/Variable Sources Eyres Targets of opportunity * Known transient sources * Unknown transient sources * TOO policies responses at different in...
VLBI Tutorial Outline Part 1: Presentation 1 How to calibrate the VLBI continuum data? Show a flowchart. A hardcopy of the flowchart will be distributed to st...
VLBI considerations T. Venturi * Need for mas resolution * u v coverage of VLBI arrays and related issues * Calibration of VLBI observations * Prese...
VLBI Calibration Bourke with Baan, Beswick,Venturi Assumptions: 1 Tom Muxlow: imaging and self calibration. 1 Stephen Bourke: how to do bandpass calibratio...
European Radio Interferometry School 2009 We gratefully acknowledge support from RadioNet FP7, Oxford Astrophysics and the Royal Astronomical Society FinalAnno...
ERIS2009 Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the ERIS2009 web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and ,...
Wide band, wide field imaging Danielle Fenech with Muxlow, Laing Wide field images are commonly classed as images having large numbers of resolution elements (i...