Fourth Year Projects on the PWT
During Michelmas/Hilary term (October - March), fourth year projects are generally conducted on the PWT. This year (2011/12) there are three projects running;
- SuperNovae: Measuring the Expansion of the Universe with Supernovae (Fraser Clarke)
- WISP: Building a fibre-feed for the SBIG spectrograph (Fraser Clarke and Ian Lewis)
- NGC188: (Tony Lynas-Grey)
Trained graduate students are often involved in supervising night-time observations, and are paid at demonstrator rates. Please contact
FraserClarke if you are interested.
Reserved telescope nights
The MPhys projects take priority on the telescope time during Hilary term. This year, the nights for MPhys projects are;
Demonstrator schedules
Demonstrator's and Student's
FraserClarke - 22 Oct 2013