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WISP - The Wetton Imaging Spectrograph Project

Project Overview

WISP is a project to upgrade the existing SBIG spectrograph (SbigSpectrograph) with a fibre feed, and therefore integrate it with the robotic observations on the PWT. A fibre bundle will take light from outside the main imager field of view, and feed it into the spectrograph. The bundle will have 80 (TBC) fibres covering a field of view of about 20 arcsecond diameter (TBC). The spectrograph covers 400-700nm at resolutions of about R~300, or a shorter (tunable) wavelength range at R~2000.


Design details

-- FraserClarke - 22 Oct 2013
Topic revision: r1 - 22 Oct 2013, FraserClarke
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