All Sky Camera

Some information on how to run the All Sky Camera.


The ASC is run on wettonpc2. It is currently run from a matlab script located in C:\ASC\main.m -- Load this up in matlab and run it. It should sort itself out with the right exposure times.

Encoding videos

Daily encoding batch script now running automatically at 12:02 on wettonpc1...

DOS batch file created to run the encoding commands (below). To run this go to // (map this as a network drive from windows to run under dos). The run: encode YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. encode 2011-08-20). This will run the commands below automagically.

Settings for encoding daily videos -- not optomised at all, but seems to work with flowplayer.

mencoder "mf://2011-09-*.jpg" -mf fps=23.976 -o outfile.264 -of rawvideo -nosound -ovc x264 -x264encopts subq=1:frameref=1:bitrate=700:bframes=1:pass=1

mencoder "mf://2011-09-*.jpg" -mf fps=23.976 -o outfile.264 -of rawvideo -nosound -ovc x264 -x264encopts subq=6:frameref=5:bitrate=700:me=umh:partitions=all:bframes=1:me_range=16:cabac:weightb:deblock:pass=2

"c:\Program Files\GPAC\MP4Box.exe" -add outfile.264 -fps 23.976 2011-09-07.mp4

Data location

The data are stored in //

-- FraserClarke - 08 Sep 2011
Topic revision: r3 - 13 Sep 2011, FraserClarke
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