Detailed topic list for PWT Web

Results from PWT web retrieved at 10:43 (GMT)

All Sky Camera Some information on how to run the All Sky Camera. Software The ASC is run on wettonpc2. It is currently run from a matlab script located in C:\AS...
PWT Schedules (Calendar View) Main.FraserClarke 01 Dec 2008
PWT Data Reduction The ST8CCD produces standard FITS files, which can be reduced and analysed with your favourite data reduction package. There are some guideline...
Imcombine arguments (apart from input and output ) : bias darks flats frames combine median median average average scale none none ...
Exoplanet transit project Please contact Main.FraserClarke if you are interested in doing this project in 2011/12 Previous Years MPhysExoPlanets2010 Main.Frase...
Fourth Year Projects on the PWT During Michelmas/Hilary term (October March), fourth year projects are generally conducted on the PWT. This year (2011/12) there...
GJW Spectrograph As part of the GlobalJetWatch project, we have a prototype fibre fed spectrograph on the Wetton telescope. The spectrograph can be used for point...
Archive of 2010/11 exoplanet transit MPhys observation page. Top priorities 27/01/2011 GJ436 (in r filter) Transit from 23:47 0:49 29/01/2011 XO 4b Transit f...
MPhys 2010 supernova project page (archive) Archival page for 2010/11 MPhys supernova project page. Data so far: Supernova R.A. Decl. 08/01/11 18/01/11...
ST8 CCD Camera The ST8 CCD Camera is the main instrument available on the telescope. It is usually used with the f/6.3 focal reducer/field flattener and gives a f...
SBIG Spectrograph The department has an SBIG DSS spectrograph which can be used on the telescope. It should provide long slit spectra at R~300 of R~2000, and is m...
Open Nights for Schools Throughout the winter, the department runs regular (~3 per month) open nights for local schools. This is typically a 2 3 hour event for ~3...
Science projects on the PWT You must be a member of the PWT wiki to view the individual project pages. Current Projects * HSTTransitSupport Previous Projects...
Supernova project page MPhys 2011/12 project AS04. Supernova R.A. (mypos) Decl. (mypos) Constellation mag 16/01/12 19/01/12 22/01/12 26/01/12 ...
WISP Team Site This site (will be) only accessible to team members, which means we can put detailed design documents/working information in here * Project_calc...
PWT Telescope Schedule Reserved Nights * 11 Oct 2011 Public Open Night * 12 Oct 2011 Public Open Night * 9 Nov 2011 Public Open Night * 14 De...
Telescope Startup/Shutdown Procedure This startup/shutdown sequence should be followed everytime you observe with the telescope. In particular, the telescope shou...
PWT User Guides The telescope dome leaks Please make sure it is parked (via the dome control software), or with the black marks lined up. This minimises the ...
WISP The Wetton Imaging Spectrograph Project Project Overview WISP is a project to upgrade the existing SBIG spectrograph (SbigSpectrograph) with a fibre feed, a...
Foswiki's PWT web
* SchoolOpenNights * FourthYearProjects * ScienceProjects * UserGuides Links * Default observatory webpage. ...
" warn="off"}% * * * * * * * * * * * * PWT Topics* * Latest News * Schedule * Open Nig...
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PWT Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the PWT web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and , and can b...
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Statistics for PWT Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: ...
Number of topics: 32

See also the faster WebTopicList
Topic revision: r5 - 15 Nov 2006, TWikiContributor
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